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Thursday 5 February 2009

Oddly Surprised!!!

On how the week is going. Really! didn't expected that's for sure!!!
So here's how the week is so far:
I didn't die nor get fired, instead, my co-worker did! It was quite a shock to tell you the truth (still cant decided if that adds to my bad luck of the week) It was horrible! Just yesterday! She had been missing work a lot so my boss talked to her and told her that the decision was not on his hands that it was HR's and Upper management so she got fired and she got furious and started picking up her stuff while yelling and screaming! She left just like that, without saying bye or nothing! Mean while this mean lady calls trying to talk to her and I said she was not longer employed here and she said 'you are ... lying tell that ... to ... I want to ... she is such a ... and a ... you should do a ... ... to that ...!!! (I was like *blink* *blink* What the Deuce???) So yea, that's the story in a nutshell.
As far as my padres car's it was a bit of a miracle actually because when I got home no one said anything!!! :) (Trust me, my mom is a freak about scratches on the cars and my dad too!) So, with a lot of discretion I headed out at night to see the car, Oh miracle of the earth!!! The huge scratch that I had previously seen in the morning was gone! How that happen you might ask, well, lets ask our Heavenly Father on all my good acts of kindness and he will tell you I didn't deserved that kind of punishment and decided to erase that scratch! :) all in all the week hasn't turn that bad at all! I didn't died (well, almost, when reality kicked in and told me that I was new, by myself with tons to loans to do and there would be no help if i needed it!)

1 comment:

KayCee Burnside said...

Wow that is crazy getting fired kinda on the spot. And seriously the scratch is gone, that's like a mini miracle! Haha so is your car working again or what was wrong with it?