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Thursday 23 September 2010

Life thus far

Has been pretty exciting. I have learn so much! I have let go and I am moving on. Its not official yet... But I am dating this wonderful guy. He makes me feel so cared for. I assume he likes me a lot. He calls me his Princess, Sexy, Beautiful, you name it. Sweetie, Sunshine, etc. etc. Love it. He makes me feel so wanted and special. Everything has happen so quickly, but you know what? I like him a lot and for the first time in many years I feel like I don't have to hold back on my feelings I don't have to hide I don't have to pretend like everything is OK and that it will get better. For the first time I have someone that is ONLY mine and LOVE it. He  is big and strong and I love his smile, his honesty, his determination, etc. etc. Crazy but we've hung out for days already and it feels so good. He brings smiles to my face and well kisses or course! All I am trying to say is that he is pretty awesome and yes, we are taking it as it comes. But we do have tons of fun together. So... If at the end of the day it doesn't work out. At least I had an awesome time while it lasted. :) Not that is coming at all, cause, well... We like each other so much we cant get enough of it. So here's to us and new beginnings. Also I am glad he is not my rebound, my rebound lasted NOT long at all. But at least he help me get over things and out there and bless his soul I hope he is happy with his girl too. He is an awesome boy and so he deserves the same (that is an awesome girl). As for me... for sure moving forward.

My brother is already in Afghanistan he sends greetings to all fellow blogger and stalkers! :) Here's a pic for you guys and the email my mom got.

Mrs. Garcia,
I am a pilot for the United States Air Force and wanted to personally send you a note letting you know that your son arrived in theater safely.  We had Oscar sit up front on the flight deck with us where he was able to relax as he made his journey.  It was a pleasure flying him to his destination and getting the chance to know him, please see the attached photo. 
It has been a tradition for me to have our youngest/newest soldier sit up front with us.  Because I have children back home, I know how it can be hard when you don't have direct contact with them.  This is the most I can do to help ease the concerns of family members back home.  In addition, I want to thank you and your son for the service that both of you are committed to in supporting and defending our country.   
Very Respectfully,
Capt James "Hud" Hudson

Ciao for now X

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