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Saturday 11 September 2010

I must

update my blog at least once in a while, but in reality I guess I am too lazy. Not that I don't have good stories, its just that must of what I want to write about is the pain and sadness I still feel (for many different reasons of course, but pain and sadness none the less)
Almost a month and I still feel like going back and apologize for everything, although my head tells me not to. So I pray and I pray for the pain to go away. I have faith some day it will. It did once before, all i want is for it to go away for good. I cant keep thinking or wishing it was otherwise. I have done that before and it only destroys me. The only thing I hate is remembering stuff just by looking at things that once meant something to me. I guess that's why its harder. All in all, the only consolation I have would be that everyone on this earth goes thru that. Its part of life and we must endure to the end.
Things other than that have not been bad. Sad yes. But its because i love and well... We all know what love is essential in our lives so is not like we can just ignore the freaking feeling, right? LOL
I've been to Texas and loved it. Cause well... I didn't have to stay there for to long. (must clarify, that i would have loved to stay there way way longer, but uh the weather kills me!)
Not to much to say about that except that my family means the world to me and they are my strength. So let me show you a few moments from last last week! :)

My padre, who deserves his own post and he will get it. But he is such an inspiration I have to be honest I had never really notice. But he has a heart of a King and I love him.

My Madre who also has a heart of a Queen, the way she is, the culture she has, she is so proper and classy. She is my confident and best friend. Although she did get kind of mad when we gave her the option of serving pizza instead of Lasagna. Her answer was: If we are going to serve pizza go upstairs and change into jeans. LOL LOVE her.

My sister, my brother in law and baby Diego. Oh wait cant forget Goofy and Kanelo. After all they are part of the family along with my monster Kolatte.

and my brother, my hero, USA hero. He deserves a post of his own as well and that one is coming right after this one.

All I know is that we where born to be together. Everyone in the family is essential for the happiness of this unit. I could not have ask for a better dad, mom, brother and sister. and lets not forget the add-ons. LOVE THEM to bits.


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