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Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Cowboy Heaven, Yeehaw!!!

Yesterday Amy and I went to the Rodeo, This only happens once a year in Houston and all the cowboys from around the US and I think of the world gather here to compete. I think they also stop in San Antonio and Las Vegas. Anyways is a big deal. Well a lot of artist come down here and perform each day of the Rodeo and yesterday night was Lady Antebellum. Needless to say is was pretty much AMAZING. There where tons of people and HOT HOT HOT COWBOYS everywhere!!!

OMGosh! Let me tell you the story as to why I will never be fit to date! I am a freaking mess. Alright, so my friend wants to go to a store where there is a guy she liked and gave her his card at the cook-off. (Mind you they only sell cowboy stuff that I am not interested at all, well… maybe a few things.) The Cowboy boots started at $800.00 so that is pretty much insane judging by the fact that I would probably never wear them unless of course I marry a cowboy and live in a farm and do cowboyish stuff. LOL

Back to the story, so we go inside the store and walk around pretending to look at stuff just so she could find the guy she wanted to talk to. We keep walking around and then she tells me, there he is. I could not find him for the life of me. He was getting lost in all the boots and purses and hats and buckles. LOL Unfortunately he was helping some lady and she didn’t want to bug. At this point we move to a small room where I found some pretty amazing rubber boots. Suddenly this HOT HOT HOT Cowboys walks up to me and tells me: Are you interested in boots and then PANIC cause he is so amazingly hot and I just smile and nod my head. Amy then tells him that I am interested in the rubber boots, but that my concern was if they would work in snow!!! LOL (witch is true; I had asked her that a few minutes earlier.) He then looks at me, smiles, gets closer to me, he keeps smiling and then he laughs. LOL

He’s like: Well… they are made for water for I don’t see why they would not work in snow, why are you worried about that?
Me: The Stupid Shocked Idiot who was still amazed by his hotness, tells him: I am moving to Utah, I smile, I move back and forth, I am super nervous and can hardly make eye contact.
Hot Cowboy: Oh :( looks into my eyes (of course I melt) and says: That is a BIG BIG Shame.
Me: Look into his eyes smile and smile some more. (He was hot!)
Hot cowboy: keeps making eye contact and tells me if I want something to drink?
Me: Nah I don’t drink.
Hot cowboy: touches my arm and makes eye contact again! He would not stop looking at me!
Me: In SHOCK, Hot can this hot hot cowboy be interested in me? (Did I mention he was hot? Or maybe all the cowboyness in him was radiating like a star! LOL)
Hot Cowboy: Are you sure you don’t want anything? (At this point he completely forgets about boots and selling stuff to me!) It was only him trying to talk to me some more.
Amy: Alright we have to go.
Me: I get all like: oh oh ok! I guess :(
Hot cowboy: looks into my eyes again (of course I melt again). Makes a sad face and tells me: If you change your mind, come again.

So we go, and then this other hot cowboy (who was NOT as hot as the other one) comes around like a few minutes after that and proceeds to say: Oh pretty ladies, how are ya’ll tonight? We tell him we are fine and of course the same nervous dance kicks in and makes me look like a fool. He smiles, but this time he goes straight to the point, he looks at me and tells me: are you single? I look at him in shock for been so forward, smile and say YES! And then he tells Amy, are you single too? And of course she says YES! LOL He said would one of you go out in a date with me? Then he hugs us and starts talking for a little while. We never talked about boots, except at the end, LOL when I disappointed him and told him I didn’t see the purpose in getting super expensive boots! Anywho, we never talked to the other guy that she was really interested in and actually missed out on other two that where interested in us. Oh men they where so hot! But ill be going back this Saturday! A date with once of those cute (no, let me rephrase that!) HOT cowboys would NOT be bad at all. Who knows and he is the one and I’ll have to buy the super expensive boots to live my cowboy life. LOL

1 comment:

Sam Wright said...

I gotta fly me down to this freakin' boot store!!!! :)