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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Mango 101

1. I love to eat frozen berries.
2. Different cultures fascinate me.
3. I can spend hours watching movies.
4. The Office cracks me up.
5. My family means the world to me.
6. I am VERY impatient.
7. Love chocolate cover strawberries.
8. Huge pet peeve: people who can’t drive.
9. Smart guys are my weakness.
10. I want to be a snowboarder.
11. Amelie is my favorite movie (I connect with her in a way)
12. I can’t eat my meat if it’s not Extremely WELL DONE.
13. I tend to smile/laugh at stupid insignificant stuff all the time, people don’t get it.
14. I have a really hard time replying to emails, I am just lazy like that.
15. If I could be an animal I would want to be a Grizzly Bear.
16. I dream on spending my honey moon in Venice.
17. I don’t think online dating will ever work for me.
18. I love orange juice or cranberry juice with lots of ice.
19. Water is my favorite drink.
20. Stupid people make me upset.
21. I tend to be too analytical.
22. Fast, Fast, Fats is how I like to drive.
23. Reading is the most amazing way to escape from reality.
24. I daydream ALL the time.
25. I find beauty in the simplest things in nature.
26. Watching humans are the most fascinating thing.
27. There’s a huge kid within me that tends to come out, pretty much every hour of the hour.
28. I believe LOVE is the most wonderful thing.
29. I cant talk about UFO’s it gives the heebie-jeebies.
30. I love the word ‘Freak’ and any word coming from it. (Freaking, freakishly, etc.)
31. I don’t care if I have to live in a cave as long as I am with the man I love.
32. I love TECHNO.
33. I wish I had blue eyes.
34. Random and Weird people are the best!
35. A walk in the park is the most refreshing thing.
36. I love London.
37. I don’t like fish.
38. I love veggies.
39. Soy vanilla milk is amazing.
40. Ice cream and chocolate are by far my favorite treat.
41. Music is my therapy
42. Clothes are my weakness.
43. Insect’s make my skin crawl.
44. I fell from a tree when I was 7.
45. I love to be LDS.
46. God and Family are my strength.
47. I love my Iphone.
48. I like to watch the moon every night and think that the people I love are watching it too and in some weird way we connect.
49. I Love him too much.
50. I love my nephew like crazy and can’t wait till I have my own.
51. I want to be a professional DJ (I can be something like DJ mango!)
52. Mango is my favorite fruit, along with Watermelon and Berries.
53. Guatemalan food is amazing.
54. I don’t like Chinese or Mexican Food.
55. I am the worst friend, I never keep in touch.
56. I love to travel.
57. I want to learn to speak Japanese, German, Greek, Italian (of course) and many more.
58. Sometimes I wish for the perfect body, but since I am too lazy to exercise I can’t complain.
59. If I could choose where to live, I would love to live in Europe (Anywhere is good for me!)
60. I like Anime, anything from Hayao Miyazaki.
61. My neck hurts 99.99% of the time.
62. I love to take baths.
63. My bed, the bath and my car are my comfort zone.
64. I hate to give up on things.
65. I am pretty picky when it comes to food.
66. I love to be surprise.
67. I love the unexpected.
68. Ghosts fascinate me.
69. I can watch the travel channel and discovery channel all day.
70. I think Samantha Brown has the best job on earth. I would kill to have it! (She inspired me to travel the world)
71. Sarah Richardson is the best interior designer. (She inspire me to become one)
72. I will like to go to Dubai some day.
73. People, who deny the truth, deny themselves.
74. I love Nature.
75. I don’t like salads, only if it has lemon and salt, well ANYTHING that has Lemon and Salt is Perfecto...
76. Bungee Jumping sounds bueno.
77. I blog stalk.
78. I strive for honesty, so… don’t bother in befriending me if you can’t be honest with me.
79. Coke Zero, WOW.
80. Foreign movies make me happy.
81. I love kids.
82. Love Italian food.
83. I never park next to old cars or cars that cant park, I am afraid they will hit mine.
84. My life is like a soap opera, where the two main characters should be together but one makes a mistake, then other makes one too and it makes it more difficult to be together, so it just drags. I hope mine has a happy ending. At least I am the main character in the story.
85. Disney movies and cartoons make me happy!
86. I am all about contemporary stuff and some vintage.
87. Orange, yellow and green are my favorite colors.
88. I love my friends.
89. I am so indecisive
90. I can’t wait to be loved like crazy and love the same way back till the sunrise!
91. I get bored easily.
92. I hate talking on the phone, with a few exceptions. (*wink**wink*)
93. My fav number is 9.
94. I want to learn to play cello
95. Hamburgers have to be plain.
96. I believe lettuce should not be warm when you eat it.
97. I hate people that burp; it makes me want to puke.
98. I think hiccups are the funniest thing.
99. I always think that I am going to die from brain cancer or something like that.
100. I think way too much.
101. I feel like dying if my car gets scratched.

Finito no more!!! Ah it’s been hard.

1 comment:

Sam Wright said...

Hahaha! Half of these things I've forgotten about! Like the BURNED meat things! :) Yay I can't wait for you to be back! Say NASAL DECONGESTANT :) Love ya!