This boy...
This guy is a bad boy with the heart of GOLD, seriously I am not kidding.
I know this will sound dumb and in a way probably make him want to punch me for saying this. But he is the kind of brother who will still stay with you at night if he feels like it.
He is the kind of boy who will defend anything or anyone. He is the one with the one and million laughs. He will love you for ever.
Granted, because of him, I Lidia Garcia have suffer greatly. Thanks to the fact that he would blame me for everything in front of my parental units and since he was the baby everyone would believe him. You know, the luck of the family's baby. Of course they will believe when it comes to the middle one being the problem or when I would hit him ONLY after he would hit me FIRST. I would get all the blame. Uh and I hated him for that! (I love him though!). He is the boy who will send you a pic of his poop via text message. :) LOL but in all seriousness what brother doesn't do that? I have heard worst stories. He is the one who would buy $50 worth of candy and eat it in an hour. You will not meet anyone who likes sugar more than my brother. He who kept Garcia-Figueroa as his last name only to honor my grandfathers memory. (Since he never had any sons). My brother who learned to drive before I did. who would help my dad in anything even if he didn't want to. My brother who secretly thinks he is the white power-ranger. The cool boy, the one that everyone loves.
He the boy who always fight with me over baby pictures saying he was me! :)

(Him... We can Obviously see the resemblance)
Now, in one day he will be sent to Afghanistan to help and protect fellow brothers and this county. This is probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. ACCEPT it. Ever since he was born all I have wanted to do is protect him. He wanted to be a Firefighter, I said no. You will burn. He wanted to be a police man, I said no. You will get shot. He wanted to be an airplane pilot, I said no. The plane will fall. So... you can see it brings tears to my eyes accepting what he chose. Because I cannot protect him there. He will be far away and I wont be able to be there for him.
So all I can say, Is Gordo... I love you so much. I will miss you, so please keep in touch. I don't know what I will do with out you. So please, please, please be careful. I love you and I need you! Please come back safe. Be smart. Be Fast. Be Strong. We all love you and will be waiting for you! I am so proud of you. even though you are still my baby brother. I love you and I still want to protect you even if I cant. Our Heavenly Father WILL be with you and the people around you. The spirit will guide you and many will be praying for you including people who don't know you, only because of the great courage you have. Te AMO....
The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
Of course there is so much more about him I have not shared with you. But trust me when I say, I would never finish if that was the case.
This made me cry..thank you to your wonderful brother for defending our country and our freedom.
lidia, this warmed my heart~!
and right now, it's pretty cold in london :P
I hope he stays safe and returns home as soon as possible.
My sister is in the army in kuwait.. .and i just don't get why they do it! lol but, that's what they want to do, and I can't stop her.
I miss you, and oscar too! Hopefully I'll see you guys again someday soon.
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