Le moment de l'action est venu
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Its Official!
Him and I are together! and well... Loving it! Loving every single second of it! :) It appears we cant get enough of each other. I haven't been able to get my beauty sleep for quite a while because I am to busy enjoying time with my boy. (Because he is mine, you know? and well... I am his!) Its funny because we think alike, quiet moments are not weird, I can totally be myself with him (you know that kid that comes out every day) and we can just say the most beautiful things to each other :) Is kind of fast but I have no doubt in my heart he is here to well... stay :) Do you see all the smiles that are spreading in this post? :) That's my happiness radiating in it. I met his Fam. last weekend and they are so great and the way he was with his nieces and nephews blew me away. I love it. He is so sweet :) I can only imagine!
So... Since he introduced me to some of his family, I will be introducing some of mine this next weekend when my sister comes to the Springs that are Hot like Lava :) and we are going up there to be with them :) Love it! I really do like him, well... Let me take that back. I do not like him any more, because now this feeling is more than JUST liking. I cant wait to see him tonight and the night after that. :) I know this is lame but I need to share true happiness after so much unneeded pain! :)
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Life thus far
Has been pretty exciting. I have learn so much! I have let go and I am moving on. Its not official yet... But I am dating this wonderful guy. He makes me feel so cared for. I assume he likes me a lot. He calls me his Princess, Sexy, Beautiful, you name it. Sweetie, Sunshine, etc. etc. Love it. He makes me feel so wanted and special. Everything has happen so quickly, but you know what? I like him a lot and for the first time in many years I feel like I don't have to hold back on my feelings I don't have to hide I don't have to pretend like everything is OK and that it will get better. For the first time I have someone that is ONLY mine and LOVE it. He is big and strong and I love his smile, his honesty, his determination, etc. etc. Crazy but we've hung out for days already and it feels so good. He brings smiles to my face and well kisses or course! All I am trying to say is that he is pretty awesome and yes, we are taking it as it comes. But we do have tons of fun together. So... If at the end of the day it doesn't work out. At least I had an awesome time while it lasted. :) Not that is coming at all, cause, well... We like each other so much we cant get enough of it. So here's to us and new beginnings. Also I am glad he is not my rebound, my rebound lasted NOT long at all. But at least he help me get over things and out there and bless his soul I hope he is happy with his girl too. He is an awesome boy and so he deserves the same (that is an awesome girl). As for me... for sure moving forward.
My brother is already in Afghanistan he sends greetings to all fellow blogger and stalkers! :) Here's a pic for you guys and the email my mom got.
Mrs. Garcia,
I am a pilot for the United States Air Force and wanted to personally send you a note letting you know that your son arrived in theater safely. We had Oscar sit up front on the flight deck with us where he was able to relax as he made his journey. It was a pleasure flying him to his destination and getting the chance to know him, please see the attached photo.
It has been a tradition for me to have our youngest/newest soldier sit up front with us. Because I have children back home, I know how it can be hard when you don't have direct contact with them. This is the most I can do to help ease the concerns of family members back home. In addition, I want to thank you and your son for the service that both of you are committed to in supporting and defending our country.
Very Respectfully,
Capt James "Hud" Hudson
Ciao for now X
My brother is already in Afghanistan he sends greetings to all fellow blogger and stalkers! :) Here's a pic for you guys and the email my mom got.
Mrs. Garcia,
I am a pilot for the United States Air Force and wanted to personally send you a note letting you know that your son arrived in theater safely. We had Oscar sit up front on the flight deck with us where he was able to relax as he made his journey. It was a pleasure flying him to his destination and getting the chance to know him, please see the attached photo.
It has been a tradition for me to have our youngest/newest soldier sit up front with us. Because I have children back home, I know how it can be hard when you don't have direct contact with them. This is the most I can do to help ease the concerns of family members back home. In addition, I want to thank you and your son for the service that both of you are committed to in supporting and defending our country.
Very Respectfully,
Capt James "Hud" Hudson
Ciao for now X
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
U.S of A Hero
I have decide to dedicate a post to the most amazing, funniest, caring, big hearted boy I know and love. My little Kakita, chorrio, popis, poop, etc. etc. etc. I have had the pleasure of being his sister for this long and well... I LOVE HIM to death!
This boy...
Who makes me laugh every time, I laugh with him, I laugh at him and still remain so loved.
This guy is a bad boy with the heart of GOLD, seriously I am not kidding.
I know this will sound dumb and in a way probably make him want to punch me for saying this. But he is the kind of brother who will still stay with you at night if he feels like it.
He is the kind of boy who will defend anything or anyone. He is the one with the one and million laughs. He will love you for ever.
Granted, because of him, I Lidia Garcia have suffer greatly. Thanks to the fact that he would blame me for everything in front of my parental units and since he was the baby everyone would believe him. You know, the luck of the family's baby. Of course they will believe when it comes to the middle one being the problem or when I would hit him ONLY after he would hit me FIRST. I would get all the blame. Uh and I hated him for that! (I love him though!). He is the boy who will send you a pic of his poop via text message. :) LOL but in all seriousness what brother doesn't do that? I have heard worst stories. He is the one who would buy $50 worth of candy and eat it in an hour. You will not meet anyone who likes sugar more than my brother. He who kept Garcia-Figueroa as his last name only to honor my grandfathers memory. (Since he never had any sons). My brother who learned to drive before I did. who would help my dad in anything even if he didn't want to. My brother who secretly thinks he is the white power-ranger. The cool boy, the one that everyone loves.
He the boy who always fight with me over baby pictures saying he was me! :)

This boy...
This guy is a bad boy with the heart of GOLD, seriously I am not kidding.
I know this will sound dumb and in a way probably make him want to punch me for saying this. But he is the kind of brother who will still stay with you at night if he feels like it.
He is the kind of boy who will defend anything or anyone. He is the one with the one and million laughs. He will love you for ever.
Granted, because of him, I Lidia Garcia have suffer greatly. Thanks to the fact that he would blame me for everything in front of my parental units and since he was the baby everyone would believe him. You know, the luck of the family's baby. Of course they will believe when it comes to the middle one being the problem or when I would hit him ONLY after he would hit me FIRST. I would get all the blame. Uh and I hated him for that! (I love him though!). He is the boy who will send you a pic of his poop via text message. :) LOL but in all seriousness what brother doesn't do that? I have heard worst stories. He is the one who would buy $50 worth of candy and eat it in an hour. You will not meet anyone who likes sugar more than my brother. He who kept Garcia-Figueroa as his last name only to honor my grandfathers memory. (Since he never had any sons). My brother who learned to drive before I did. who would help my dad in anything even if he didn't want to. My brother who secretly thinks he is the white power-ranger. The cool boy, the one that everyone loves.
He the boy who always fight with me over baby pictures saying he was me! :)

(Him... We can Obviously see the resemblance)
Now, in one day he will be sent to Afghanistan to help and protect fellow brothers and this county. This is probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. ACCEPT it. Ever since he was born all I have wanted to do is protect him. He wanted to be a Firefighter, I said no. You will burn. He wanted to be a police man, I said no. You will get shot. He wanted to be an airplane pilot, I said no. The plane will fall. So... you can see it brings tears to my eyes accepting what he chose. Because I cannot protect him there. He will be far away and I wont be able to be there for him.
So all I can say, Is Gordo... I love you so much. I will miss you, so please keep in touch. I don't know what I will do with out you. So please, please, please be careful. I love you and I need you! Please come back safe. Be smart. Be Fast. Be Strong. We all love you and will be waiting for you! I am so proud of you. even though you are still my baby brother. I love you and I still want to protect you even if I cant. Our Heavenly Father WILL be with you and the people around you. The spirit will guide you and many will be praying for you including people who don't know you, only because of the great courage you have. Te AMO....
The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
Of course there is so much more about him I have not shared with you. But trust me when I say, I would never finish if that was the case.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
I must
update my blog at least once in a while, but in reality I guess I am too lazy. Not that I don't have good stories, its just that must of what I want to write about is the pain and sadness I still feel (for many different reasons of course, but pain and sadness none the less)
Almost a month and I still feel like going back and apologize for everything, although my head tells me not to. So I pray and I pray for the pain to go away. I have faith some day it will. It did once before, all i want is for it to go away for good. I cant keep thinking or wishing it was otherwise. I have done that before and it only destroys me. The only thing I hate is remembering stuff just by looking at things that once meant something to me. I guess that's why its harder. All in all, the only consolation I have would be that everyone on this earth goes thru that. Its part of life and we must endure to the end.
Things other than that have not been bad. Sad yes. But its because i love and well... We all know what love is essential in our lives so is not like we can just ignore the freaking feeling, right? LOL
I've been to Texas and loved it. Cause well... I didn't have to stay there for to long. (must clarify, that i would have loved to stay there way way longer, but uh the weather kills me!)
Not to much to say about that except that my family means the world to me and they are my strength. So let me show you a few moments from last last week! :)
My padre, who deserves his own post and he will get it. But he is such an inspiration I have to be honest I had never really notice. But he has a heart of a King and I love him.
My Madre who also has a heart of a Queen, the way she is, the culture she has, she is so proper and classy. She is my confident and best friend. Although she did get kind of mad when we gave her the option of serving pizza instead of Lasagna. Her answer was: If we are going to serve pizza go upstairs and change into jeans. LOL LOVE her.
My sister, my brother in law and baby Diego. Oh wait cant forget Goofy and Kanelo. After all they are part of the family along with my monster Kolatte.
and my brother, my hero, USA hero. He deserves a post of his own as well and that one is coming right after this one.
All I know is that we where born to be together. Everyone in the family is essential for the happiness of this unit. I could not have ask for a better dad, mom, brother and sister. and lets not forget the add-ons. LOVE THEM to bits.
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