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Monday, 7 June 2010


Is pretty much the best medicine, Time is what actually heals you, only time knows when the pain will be removed, is time who makes thing pass and make it only a memory or desire and our Heavenly Father is who created that time. Time runs, sometimes slow and a few times super fast. Basically Two weeks ago I turned 25 and it was snowing, Two weeks after, I am roasting like a turkey and thinking at least I am not in Houston, Cause I would be roasting like a pig.
I am felling so much better about life, a few bumps and bruises along the way but is nothing that cant be fixed. I have decided to let go and so... I will continue with a positive attitude.
So far I have applied for 3 volunteering opportunities. My first choice would be where I help Latin people to learn English, It would only be a few days during the afternoon and maybe Saturdays, My second choice would be the Salt Lake Library also in the afternoons and Saturdays and then my third choice would be the Provo Library, here I would only be helping on Saturdays or main events, yes, It is a bit of a drive but a change of scenery would not be bad once in a while! :) So hopefully I'll get contacted by one of them. I really wan to be doing something with my time and how wonderful would be to serve others! :) I am also Officially a Ward Member all my records are transfer and no more jumping from 9:00 to 11:00 :) I have officially enroll in Institute and start Wednesday, so... If you think about it, I will be a busy bee. But I love it. A lot of single adult activities which I will try and attend. Yay, lets mingle! LOL yea right, like I am a mingler! LOL But Ill try!  

So... My birthday was at Bucca, by far my fav restaurant. Italian of course. and with people that I absolutely LOVE.

Memorial day also has come and gone, Thank goodness for LONG weekends! :) It was fun, Monday We headed to Park City and went on the rides and then we headed to a celebration with Sam's Family and all we did was eat and lay in the grass! :)

I love Salt Lake, I Love my Baby Diego and I love Ferrero Rocher!!!

P.S. I Just got a call from my fist choice and I am taking it! Yay Ill be Volunteering on Mondays! Yay

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


One of the worst nights on the book. I was left with my tears, my thoughts and my loneliness again. I don't blame anyone. I did this, so I had to do something about it. There's so much pain in my heart at the moment is pretty much unbearable. My eyes are tired. My mind needs rest. All I was able to do was pray and cry. Asking for forgiveness and clarity. Asking for peace, guidance and to make me strong, while my heart was been crushed all over again. Part by sadness, part by anger. I think what triggered it was an specific response that I can barely remember now, but it sounded something like: Of course, why not! My obvious response should have been: Because I though you loved me. Instead I felt sick to the point that my mind was blocked and his word were my tears. I could hear him but I was not listening. So if you ask me what was the rest of what he said I would probably say: I don't know. The only thing I can remember is him telling me that he was lost, he didn't know what he wanted and that he was having a really hard time in his life at the moment and that makes me want to heal his heart, makes me not want to leave him, makes me want to be by his side. Truth is I love him, his not mine, he will not be mine, I have to let go and believe that there is someone out there for me that will know I am worth keeping. I don't want to talk, I don't want to smile, I don't want to pretend. I just wish he could be strong enough to come back and have words to make me feel better. This is all I know, this is all I can remember. My pain, my tears, his face and that letter that is still in pieces on the back of my seat.