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Thursday, 6 May 2010

The one with the FRIENDS realization.

May is here, I don't want to say finally because it means that I will be 25 in... let me see... 19days. Wow and the only thing that I am maybe looking forward is lower rate on my car insurance IF i get it AND IF its true! I have plans to go skydiving, but that wont be till probably June. I am not freaked out about jumping out of a plane (I might be once I am up there) but I am at the landing! I am afraid my knees are just going to break, but I WILL do it just because I am cool like that! LOL
Life is going good so far (but like I said on prev post, with a few exceptions, not bad ones, just different). 
Love is a tricky subject for me. The love of my life is so close and yet so freaking far. I am so so so so Happy to know he is there. But is so hard to know I cant have him. I guess a lot of us go thru that, my case is a bit special. I like to call it my soap life, cause in a way, that is what is like! You know those stupid shows that never have an ending EVEN if the world knows you should be together but a series of unfortunate events take place? Well that is pretty much like it! I do love him and been the emotional, caring, loving person that I am, is pretty darn hard not to express those feelings. In a way I am trap to how much I can do. We know, we know and it goes two ways. He decides to do whats right for him, and in that right I either end loosing or winning. NOT that it is a game, BUT that's the only way I can phrase it. I wish so hard to be free to express myself without being locked.

On a different subject and along my Title line:

I guess I have always though I was a Monica, you know cause I am a bit of a clean freak, like my things a certain way and love to cook?
Well as I have watch the seasons I have slowly realized THAT I am def NOT her! LOL I know is stupid but I can bet ya that most people identify with one character or another. Am I right? Specially if you love FRIENDS.
But now I know I am def a Rachel. Cause Phoebe is out the question. LOL

1 comment:

Sam Wright said...

Well, of course you aren't a Phoebe. I'm Phoebe...