(Baby Diego and Me!)
Oh turkey week full of events! Its been painful, joyful and fun.
Last week has been painful, that pain is still dragging and will still drag till I learn to get over it. Listening to depressing music does not help but it makes me feel better after I cry for just a bit. But things will change, I have high hopes that it will.
Last week has been joyful, my sister with her baby and brother in law drove down here and my bother flew here from North Carolina. We actually never told my parents he was coming, so we lied just a wee bit and told them I was going to Walgreen's when in reality I was going to the airport to pick him up! My padres were so mad with me cause I was taking for ever, ha ha ha! When I came back I told them I could not find anything open and then when I finally did they didn't have what I was looking for, BUT i had found someone at the store... and then my brother comes in, ha ha ha, it was so funny, my dad was in total shock he could not say a word and then my mum was holding the baby and she almost dropped him screaming and such! LOL they where so happy they started to cry! :) all in all we had a wonderful thanksgiving. The entire family was here enjoying each others company, even my brothers girlfriend came by and spent time with us, BUT in all of this, guess who was missing a partner??? you are right! ME. My mum with my dad. My sister with my brother in law and baby. My brother with his girlfriend. The dogs all together. Them ME.SIGLE.BOYFRIENDLESS.ALONE. for a moment I stopped and realized I was HALF. Regardless I did have an awesome time.
Last week was fun. On Friday there was a church dance and of course my bother made me go! I HATE church parties. I felt again HALF, because most of them had their certain someone and friend and more. Me? SIGLE.FRIENDLESS.ALONE. During the weekend we spent time at the Renaissance Festival and it was pretty darn awesome. Weird people everywhere dresses in medieval times. BUT all in all it was way fun. Except for my hair, I looked like a freaking lion. Mufasa, ragh! LOL Well that's pretty much it.
Thank yous:
-To God, why? After ALL I go thru? Simple, he gives me hope.
- Family, because they support me no matter what, they love and will love what I love and that's super dandy!
-Friends, near or far, you support me too. Regardless if we talk for a minute or hours. If we never talk or barely speak to each other. I LOVE YOU ALL.
-Love, because it has showed me that for this feeling I am willing to climb mountains, that love still lives with in me like fire, and has a passions that words can not even describe.
-My job, it might not be the greatest thing out there but it pays me to do absolutely nothing and have time to do what i want to do! I have a great manager and a co-worker that's now a few of my friends in Texas, I have learned so much from them, that makes me a better person.
-My padres House
-My car
-Cold Weather
-Being Safe
-Being Free
-so much more and finally I am grateful because my heart is not a rock (yet!)
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