Le moment de l'action est venu

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, 23 October 2009


  • Meaning:
    Street name for a packet of illegal drugs that is sold for ten dollars
  • Classified under:
    Nouns denoting man-made objects
  • Synonyms:
    dime bag; dime
  • Hypernyms ("dime bag" is a kind of...):
    deck (street name for a packet of illegal drugs)

Now let me tell you the story:

Yesterday around lunch time my friend Amy (from work) received a text message that said:

Random #: Do you deliver?

Amy: Clearly he has the wrong number, but my manager told her to play a prank on them, so she did! :)

Amy: What do you want to order?

Random #: A dime on Fairlake cove or a fifteen I am broke.

Us: What does that mean??? it makes no sense so...

Amy: What?

Random #: A quarter for fifteen

Us: Lets try to google it, so we did! we also asked a few people but after carefully studying the text messages we decided to google a dime and it come up as this! DIME BAG so we look at it and you can see that above. CLEARLY he wanted drugs, so...

AMY: Oh *BLEEP* I deliver Pizza!

Random #: Oh *BLEEP* is this Jesse?

Amy: No this is Joe!


600 Tamales!

Ok, so yesterday night no one was at home, no one! just KOLATE of course! :) So... end of story.

Nah, well I called my mom to see where she was and she said she was making tamales! WHAT??? Tamales? Where? Donde? Why? so she the told me the story, there is this lady at her work, who apparently is her cousin from Guatemala (her grandma and my moms grandma where sisters! ahhh? yea!) well, she is sick an cant afford to pay all medical bills, so... all the friends from work got together and sold tamales. 600 tamales. WOW!!!so they can give some money to her. They have been making tamales since 15:00 and it was now 20:00 and they had 200 more to go. :( so... it touch my heart and i offered to help. I ended up with "masa" everywhere.

There where tamales there, there where tamales everywhere!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2009



FEEL super FREE to get it for me on Christmas!!! :) I want the 125.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

The Past.

I REALLY HAVE to get OVER IT!!! I though I did! The past is not pretty, well some is :), but I don't want it back. It hurts. not all of it, but one alone. 'HE' the one that send my heart down the darkest deepest hole. I DON'T want him in my present, is that really so much to ask? Part of me does, part of me is curious, part of me still thinks I want him. but is a tiny part. Because a huge part wants him OUT, a huge part does not care what he does anymore, a huge part of me wants to forget and finally start living love. We can only hope!