- Meaning:
Street name for a packet of illegal drugs that is sold for ten dollars - Classified under:
Nouns denoting man-made objects - Synonyms:
dime bag; dime - Hypernyms ("dime bag" is a kind of...):
deck (street name for a packet of illegal drugs)
Now let me tell you the story:
Yesterday around lunch time my friend Amy (from work) received a text message that said:
Random #: Do you deliver?
Amy: Clearly he has the wrong number, but my manager told her to play a prank on them, so she did! :)
Amy: What do you want to order?
Random #: A dime on Fairlake cove or a fifteen I am broke.
Us: What does that mean??? it makes no sense so...
Amy: What?
Random #: A quarter for fifteen
Us: Lets try to google it, so we did! we also asked a few people but after carefully studying the text messages we decided to google a dime and it come up as this! DIME BAG so we look at it and you can see that above. CLEARLY he wanted drugs, so...
AMY: Oh *BLEEP* I deliver Pizza!
Random #: Oh *BLEEP* is this Jesse?
Amy: No this is Joe!