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Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, 29 June 2009


OK, so i guess if i keep putting it off, the more ill have to write later on, the more you'll have to read, the longer the post will be, the more boring is going to get! So... Here it is.
A few points ill get on eventually this week:
- Baby shower
- Guatemala
- My Hermano
- Utah
- and now.

So... lets begin. The baby shower was pretty neat i have never done one, but i got my chance and it turn out to be quite good. I did a lot of games and everyone was having fun. Food and Games in a nice atmosphere, but the best of all, was that she got tons of presents :) I cant wait for the baby to be here. 30 more days!!! (pics to come)

Guatemala was pretty fun, I love to be down there with my family (I love them so very much). There was a downer but it was still fun. I was so happy to be with two of my best amigas (Kaycee and Sam). we got there on Saturday evening and headed home for a goodnight sleep. Sunday May 24Th. MY BIRTHDAY!!! yea... not that amazing but I was with my loved ones and that changed the entire view of things and the disappointing cake! Monday we wake up semi-Earlie and got prepared for our long and sick trip to Lake Atitlan. The ride was freaking scary and the fact that we got lost did not help AT ALL. But, we found our way back and everything went pretty much smooth the rest of the way till he had to walk the tiny hill to get to our first hotel. Sam was LOL LOL LOL you would have to be there to see her face and see how she was. To bad I denied a Tuk Tuk, she would still be my friend by now! LOL (nah, we are still pretty good buddies! LOL). The hotel/cottage was wonderfully amazing minus the bugs on my bed that never was. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful, at the end of that first day we manage to build a kind of fire thing, have crazy fun on the bathtub and fit 2 people on a twin size bed. LOL I wish i had a video we made to post it! (right??? miss Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Coconut Crest). Next day it was bargain/walking/buying/riding a boat that almost tip over/sucky hotel/boring hotel/ugly food/sick food/reserved days in advance/not able to do what we wanted to do/humid beds/avocado trees everywhere/ convict crazy lady living in Guatemala for taking care of a child that she promise to take care of, type of day. So... you do the math. :) The next day we where so freaking disappointed for that last half of the day we just wanted to get out that it turn out to be a fun/cant wait to get out/sick breakfast food with some old milk/walking up a mountain/Extreme cable/butterfly sanctuary/driving back and stopping in a really dusty shop to buy a wooden horse/cant wait to be home type of day.
Getting bored? me too! But i am almost done with this one Guatemala thingie and ill be done for today.
So by the next day i.e.Thu.28th. My amigas got sick :( so as a good friend i let them rest and I headed to do my stuff with out them :( *sniff* *sniff* It had been a year since my grandpa died so i headed to the cemetery and just stayed there for a bit. I then went to see one of best amigas too, she was on surgery so i had to wait and wait and wait till she was ready to actually recognize me. We got to talk and catch up on thing. I return home and what do I find??? My best amigas are heading back home! :( they left me!!! :( but all i really cared was for them to be good. We did a few things before taking them to the airport and then the day was over. Nothing much exciting happened after that. I got to see some of my uncles and cousins and went to some techno club. ALL in ALL it was family time. I love my grandma, my stepgranpa and my uncles and cousins who do care about me. (again ill try to post pics later) I am le tire.

1 comment:

Sam Wright said...

Amiga... I'm still so so sorry we left early :( And I hope you don't post that video of me!!!! :) I miss you and love you! Utah is still waiting for you to come back!