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Monday, 8 December 2008

My Desicion!

My dear friends that have become family to me! I am not happy to inform this to you but is what i have decided. You have no Idea how this truly breaks my heart! and I am pretty sure you can tell what it is. You have been with me in everything and you don't know how I appreciate this. Is not easy and probably one of the most difficult things i have ever done. Salt Lake has become a home to me and as much as i would love to stay and enjoy my life with you, sometimes we don't get what we want! My heart is crying for disappointing you and wishes that there was something else I could do! Life is not easy and it pretty much sucks, don't get me wrong there is a lot of beauty in it and when you get to enjoy some of that beauty, there is nothing else that can fulfill you, is truly amazing. I know we had plans and I know we where actually planning on it, but that does not mean it cant happen, we can still go to Guatemala, I can still come to your wedding, I can still be your friend! By me leaving does not mean things wont happened. Friends I need your support with this, please don't make it harder on me! Is been hard enough to make the decision, sorry you may have to find out like this, but we will talk about it. I just want you to know that I truly love you and care about you! who knows maybe on the future ill be back!


KayCee Burnside said...

Oh, Lidia, that breaks my heart! But I know however hard it is for me it's a million times worse for you. You honestly have become one of my very best friends over this past year, but I know life is full of changes and you need to do what is best for you. I support you 100% and will just look at this as a positive an an opportunity to travel more which is what I keep saying I want to do. Now I can come see what Texas is like!!!! Seriously you better pick me up from the airport and show me around town.

Sam Wright said...

Me too amiga...me too.. I fully support you but you're one of my best friends too! I'm really going to miss you so much. And we must plan a trip to come visit you in Texas then hop on a jet to Guatemala. I miss you so much already. I love you!